Tuesday, August 2, 2022

APHA FPGEE Practice MCQs. No. 81

01. Which of the following statements about GI tract problems in Cystic fibrosis is wrong?
A. Decrease viscosity of mucus secretion 
B. Deficiency of pancreatic digestive enzymes 
C. Decreased bicarbonate secretion 
D. Poor digestion of nutrients 
E. Lipase deficiency causes Fat soluble vit. Deficiency 

Answer: A. Decrease viscosity of mucus secretion 
Infact, in cystic fibrosis decreased function of exocrine glands disturb GI tract and pulmonary system.
GI problem include increased viscosity of mucus secretion. 
Poor digestion of protein and fats, Vitamin B12 and zinc deficiency. 
Insulin deficiency and glucose tolerance occurs in older children resulting in cystic fibrosis related diabetes mellitus.

02. Through what pathway is acetaminophen metabolised in neonates and infants?
A. Glucoronidation 
B. Sulfation 
C. Methylation 
D. Hydroxylation

Answer: B. Sulfation 
In neonates and infants, the Sulfation pathway is most active at birth, glucoronidation is least active pathway, acetaminophen is not metabolised via methylation or Hydroxylation.

03. At increased temperature, DNA is driven towards the single stranded state as the hydrogen bond between complimentary base pairs are broken, process called?
A. Denaturation 
B. Annealing 
C. Hybridisation 
D. Oligonucleotides
E. Polymorphism 

Answer: A. Denaturation (Denaturation of proteins is irreversible but nucleic acids is reversible)
At lower temperature and physiological ion levels, solution of nucleic acid form hydrogen bonded complimentary base pairs.

04. Any combination of DNA and RNA segments through base pairing will form DNA-DNA and DNA-RNA hybrids, this process is called?
A. Denaturation 
B. Annealing 
C. Polymorphism
D. Oligonucleotides

Answer: B. Annealing or hybridisation 

05. Technology is available to chemically synthesise short segments of DNA or RNA called?
A. Denaturation 
B. Annealing 
C. Polymorphism
D. Oligonucleotides

Answer: D. Oligonucleotides
Single stranded and approximately 20 nucleotide in length.

06. Two new nuclear membranes form and the cytoplasm is devided in half by following process?
A. Prophase 
B. Metaphase 
C. Anaphase 
D. Telophase 
E. Cytokineses 

Answer: E. Cytokinesis 

07. What of the following statements about ddNTPs in DNA sequencing is wrong?
A. Chain termination
B. Prevent continued strand synthesis 
C. Four bases are labelled with fluorescent marker
D. Synthesis of DNA that vary in length 
E. Base specific fluorescent tag at 3' terminus 
F. None of these 

Answer: F. None of these 
Analysis of fluorescence as a function of length allows determination of the DNA sequence of template.

08. Which of the following is the function of Vitamin B12?
A. RBCs development 
B. Folate metabolism 
C. Maintenance of myelin 
D. A & B
E. All of the above 

Answer: E. All of the above 
If the levels of serum methylmalonic acid and homocysteine are elevated then there is deficiency of B12.

09. Pernicious anemia originate because of the lack of following?
A. Serum methylmalonic acid
B. Homocysteine 
C. Intrinsic factor 
D. Alcoholism 

Answer: C. Intrinsic factor (needed to absorb the Vitamin B12 in the Gut)

10. Chronic High doses of following vitamin may lead to Diplopia?
A. Vit. A
B. Vit. B1
C. Vit. B2
D. Vit. C
E. Vit. B12

Answer: A. Vit. A

11. A vit. Needed to metabolise carbohydrates and important in neurological function, it's deficiency from alcoholism lead to Wernicke-korsakoff syndrome is following?
A. Vit. A
B. Vit. B1
C. Vit. B2
D. Vit. C
E. Vit. B12

Answer: B. Vit. B1 (thiamine deficiency causes beriberi)

12. A vitamin needed for production of precursors of collagen and also have antioxidant properties?
A. Vit. A
B. Vit. B1
C. Vit. B2
D. Vit. C
E. Vit. B12

Answer: D. Vitamins C 

13. Important cofactor in the production of clotting factors necessary for function of the coagulation cascade (factors VII, IX, X and III)?
A. Vitamin K
B. Phytonadione
C. Cyanocobalamine
D. A & B
E. All of these 

Answer: D. A & B
Low Vit. K: potentiate the effect of warfarin leading to supra therapeutic anticoagulation
High vit. K: antagonise the effect of warfarin leading to sub therapeutics anticoagulation

14. A vitamin needed for proper bone formation and regulation of serum calcium levels also necessary for calcium absorption from GI tract?
A. Ergocalciferol
B. Cholecalciferol 
D. Vitamin D 
D. A & B
E. All of the above 

Answer: E. All of the above 

15. Following statements about use of Vitamin D is incorrect?
A. In bone formation 
B. Serum calcium regulation 
C. GI Calcium absorption 
D. Improve muscle strength and coordination 
E. High dose causes Hypocalcemia  

Answer: E. high doses cause Hypocalcemia 
Infact high dose causes hypercalcemia , anorexia, weight loss and kidney stone

16. A vitamin functions as an antioxidant and in steroid metabolism, deficiency causes edema and reproductive impairment?
A. Vit. A
B. Vit. B1
C. Vit. B2
D. Vit. E
E. Vit. B12

Answer: D. Vitamins E
High doses: reduce vitamin k levels, increasing warfarin prothrombin time prolongation 

17. A vitamin is a cofactor for many enzymes and is used in heme production, deficiency results from isoniazid and hydralazine?
A. Vit. A
B. Vit. B6
C. Vit. B2
D. Vit. E
E. Vit. B12

Answer: B. Vitamins B6 ( dermatitis, oral lesions, sideroblastic anemia and peripheral neuropathy)

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